In this post, I am going to introduce you to an interesting Python framework…

The popular web development microframework: Flask.

A framework basically controls how your code is built and deployed. A framework isn’t a library. Your code calls library functions and methods; on the other hand, A framework calls your code and deploys it.

Flask is called a microframework because it is considered low-level compared to other web frameworks like Django; Flask provides you with the core functions and its up to you how you combine them together to create larger applications, This makes Flask very versatile and extensible.

A web framework is a framework used for web-based projects. Later, you will see how we can write our application, and then run it using Flask, which will build our application and deploy it to a local web server.

We are going to write a simple Hello, world! web application and gradually add features to it, as we cover the core principles of Flask in the process.

First let’s install Flask; In a new terminal window, type the following:

$ pip install flask

Now check if everything is fine and working as expected:

$ flask --version
Flask 1.0.2
Python 3.6.6 (v3.6.6:4cf1f54eb7, Jun 27 2018, 03:37:03) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]

You should see a message like the one shown above. Now I will create a new Python file, I will call it and I will add the following code:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "Hello, world!"

This might look quite unusual, so let’s break this down:

  • At line 1 we imported the flask module, specifically a class called Flask.
  • At line 3 we instantiated that class passing the __name__ constant which refers to the module name, creating an object called app.
  • At line 6 we defined a simple function, index, that takes no arguments and returns a typical “Hello, world!” string.
  • At line 5 we have what we call a function decorator, decorators modify and extend their underlying functions, in this case our @app.route("/") decorator causes our index function to be called when the “/” route is viewed, “/” in any filesystem resembles the root; we are going to see this in action soon.

 Now I will switch back my terminal and type the following:

Note: Make sure you are in the same directory where your app resides while executing all terminal commands.

$ export
$ flask run
 * Serving Flask app ""
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

We used export to set the environmental variable FLASK_APP to our application’s name,, now when we use flask run, Flask looks at the FLASK_APP environmental variable and runs our app.

You should see a line saying that our app is running at is the localhost which refers to my own computer - since the web server is running on my computer - and 5000 is the port on which my app is running at; Now open your browser and type in “” and you should see it, beautiful and neatly printed: Hello, world! Notice that Flask works with pure HTML code, so instead of returning Hello, world! in our index function, we can return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>, now restart the server, reload the page and you should see Hello, world! as a nice HTML headline.

Additionally, Flask is serving our application at hostname, Flask works by returning different HTML pages to the viewer based on the route its on, for simplicity, let say you are visiting a webpages “", behind the scenes you are sending a request to the server, demanding /bar, the server looks at their files and returns /bar to you, Flask - client-side framework - does the same, it executes Python functions based on whatever route you are visiting, then it returns a pure static HTML document to the user.

To further illustrate the idea of routes, try to open and you will be stopped by a Not Found error message, this is because Flask returns Hello, world! only at route “/” not “/blah”.

Let’s create another route to clarify that concept. In your file add the following code:

def hello(name):
    return "<h1>Hello, {}!</h1>".format(name.capitalize())

This technique is called a Dynamic URL, at Line 1 we specified a variable, name, between angle brackets, this variable which is a part of the URL address is then passed to our hello function and returned as a capitalized word inside a HTML tag, how simple!

Now restart the server and add /pop to your URL, you should see a Hello, Pop! headline, experiment with different names and notice how the page’s content changes based on the route, this is especially useful when you want to create a customized experience for each user, you might have /login/Adham that displays Adham’s profile based on the route your using.

I will be writing a second post about Flask soon, It would be really appreciated if you leave me a reaction or a comment below, Thanks for sticking around. Stay tuned!