Say Hello with Flask!

Say Hello with Flask!
In this post, I am going to introduce you to an interesting Python framework… The popular web development microframework: Flask. A framework basically controls how your code is built and deployed. A framework isn’t a library. Your code calls library functions and methods; on the other hand, A framework calls your code and deploys it. Flask is called a microframework because it is considered low-level compared to other web frameworks like Django; Flask provides you with the core functions and its up to you how you combine them together to create larger applications, This makes Flask very versatile and extensible.
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Python List Comprehensions!

What’s up everybody! In this post I am going to show you an interesting tip which I rarely see young Pythonistas use, it’s List Comprehensions. If you dabbled a little with Python you probably had some problems where you had to iterate over a list and perform functions to its elements on-the-run, I know. I make no sense. To clear things up let me start with a simple task. Given a list of numbers, return a list containing the squares of the original list’s numbers, You might think: “Well, That’s easy!
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