UofT 2025 CTF (Web)
UofT CTF 2025 hosted by University of Toronto was a blast. I played with my team PwnSec and we ranked 33 despite missing out three categories.
Google CTF 2024 Grand Prix Heaven
This is my solution for Grand Prix Heaven from Google 2024 CTF. I particularly enjoyed this challenge because of its detail level; multiple little vulnerabilities had to be chained together to achieve XSS on the target.
“Bad” - Arab Security War Games 2024
In this writeup, I will explain how I solved Bad, an interesting web challenge written by the amazing Abdelhamid Ghazy as part of the recent Arab Security Conference War Games (ASCWG) 2024.
BOM Sniffing to XSS
In this post, we will learn about text encoding, how browsers determine content encoding, talk about BOM and finally how we can bypass DOM sanitizers by just playing around with input encoding.
Apexsurvive Writeup (HTB Cyber Apocalypse 2024)
In this post I will walk you through my solution of Apexsurvive from Hack The Box 2024 Cyber Apocalypse CTF, a beautiful challenge that costed me three days of research, experimentation and sweat to take down. This is a beginner-friendly writeup where I explain how web challenges like this could be approached: going over methodology, mindset and research.
Google CTF 2023 And How It Almost Backfired
I wanted to introduce a group of students to cybersecurity. They showed passion and willingness to learn.
I thought there would be no better introduction than inviting them to a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition.
Javascript Basics: Arrays!
Hey👋 there, in this mini-tutorial we are going to go through what is an array, how to create one, learn how to grab items from it, learn how to add items to it and much more!
Tribute to freeCodeCamp!
I started on the 21st of August 2019, It took me 321 days which is equivalent to 10 month and 16 days to run through the whole freeCodeCamp curriculum, It was a great journey, well worth it, it’s kinda longer than it should’ve been, but I had some obstacles i.
Say Hello with Flask!
In this post, I am going to introduce you to an interesting Python framework…
The popular web development microframework: Flask.
Python List Comprehensions!
What’s up everybody! In this post I am going to show you an interesting tip which I rarely see young Pythonistas use, it’s List Comprehensions.
Linux into the scene!
Hello everyone,
Recently, while watching a video, I came across a guy using Linux on his machine, It looked really clean and neat and I wanted to try it!